Field Lane, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, WF2 7RU


Wakefield Methodist Junior And Infant School

Welcome to Our School!


Modern Foreign Languages

Curriculum Intent

Curriculum: National Curriculum statutory requirements are planned and delivered using the La Jolie Rond scheme of work.

Fundamentals: MFL knowledge and skills are taught progressively and revisited prior to new learning to develop understanding.

Staff Knowledge: MFL lessons may be taught by class teachers (or selected teaching assistants) with the support of the subject leader. The subject leader promotes confident and effective delivery throughout the key stage allowing for engagement in MFL.  Confident staff to use ‘French’ in and around school to promote confidence building and encourage frequent speaking opportunities.

 Curriculum Implementation

In lessons and/ or throughout the school day you will see:

  • children practicing their skills and developing knowledge through a wide range activity which are of year group expectations with scaffolding and differentiation to meet individual needs;
  • a combination of whole class teaching, group work and individual choice is used to promote learning;
  • the staff member modelling ‘speaking’ in order to display the correct pronunciation and develop good listening, reading and writing skills.
  • songs, books, games and videos are used to promote understanding across all NC areas as well as the application of language.
  • children practice, repeat and rehearse vocabulary through conversation.


Assessment for learning is used as a starting and end point for units of work.

Formative assessment is used during and after a lesson to inform next steps, check understanding and inform current attainment.

Curriculum Impact

Revisiting Common vocabulary will allow the children to “know more and remember more”. Children have the knowledge and skills to understand how to become linguists and feel confident with the use of language covered prior and within their year group. Children make progress in MFL throughout the whole Key Stage where foundations in confidence and knowledge promote skills to develop and learn further languages; therefore aiming to equip children with future skills to converse in other countries.


Click the following links to find out more about our modern foreign languages curriculum.

Modern Foreign Languages Long Term Plan