Field Lane, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, WF2 7RU


Wakefield Methodist Junior And Infant School

Welcome to Our School!



  • Mrs Charlotte Baker - Chair of the governing body (Appointed 18/10/2021 - 17/10/2025)

  • Mrs Cary-ann Sykes - Vice-Chair (Appointed 04/04/2019 - 03/04/2023)

  • Mr Richard Smith  - Foundation Governor (Appointed 12/05/2020 - 11/05/2024)

  • Vacancy - Foundation Governor

  •  Vacancy - Foundation Governor

  •  Mr Roger Parkinson - Co-opted Governor (Appointed 27/01/2020 - 26/01/2024)

  •  Mr Nigel Dangare - Co-opted Governor (Appointed 11/07/2022 - 10/07/2026)

  • Mrs Rebecca Buckley - Co-opted Governor (Appointed 21/10/2019 - 20/10/2023)

  • Vacancy - Parent Governor

  • Vacancy - Parent Governor

  •  Mrs Clare Waite- Staff Governor

  • Mrs Joanne Ward  - Observer 

  • Mrs Kirsty Watkins -  Observer

  • Mrs Jayne Townend - Observer

  • Mrs Donna Clark - Headteacher (Appointed 01/09/2016)

Important Governors Information

When were the Governors elected?

All Governors were elected during reconstitution of the Governing Body in September 2015.

How long is their term of office?

Their term of office is 4 years.

Do any Governors have any relevant business or pecuniary interests?

No governors have any relevant business and pecuniary interests.

Do any Governors govern at any other Educational establishment?

Yes  one governor governs at another Educational establishment.

Are any governors related to any member of staff (including spouses, partners and relatives)?

No governors are related to any member of staff.