Field Lane, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, WF2 7RU


Wakefield Methodist Junior And Infant School

Welcome to Our School!


Pupil Premium, Sports Premium and Catch Up


Catch Up Funding

Children and young people across the country have experienced unprecedented disruption to their education as a result of coronavirus (COVID-19). Those from the most vulnerable and disadvantaged backgrounds will be among those hardest hit. 

The government has committed to providing funding to support children to catch up with any lost learning.  Each school will receive the equivalent of 380 per pupil from reception class.

Click below to see how we plan to spend our catch up funding.

Wakefield Methodist School Catch Up Plan


Sports Premium Funding

Sport Premium Funding Report 2023-2024

Sports Premium Funding Report 2022-2023

Sports Premium Funding Report 2021-2022

Sports Premium Funding 2020-2021


Pupil Premium Funding

Pupil Premium Plan 2019-2020

Pupil Premium Plan 2020-2021

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement and Plan 2021-2022

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement and Plan 2022-2023

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement and Plan 2023-2024