Field Lane, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, WF2 7RU


Wakefield Methodist Junior And Infant School

Welcome to Our School!


Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE)

Curriculum Intent

At Wakefield Methodist School, every decision made in school places the pupils at the heart. We are all about understanding, acceptance, celebrating both commonalities and diversity, bettering ourselves, encouraging others, considering rights and responsibilities, unlocking potential, and, crucially, understanding that every person is of worth. Our intentions are to help our children grow to be well-functioning, inner-disciplined, resilient and empathetic individuals, who are honest with themselves and others. We want our children to learn about themselves as developing individuals and as members of their communities, building on their own experiences and on the Early Learning Goals for personal, social and emotional development within the EYFS. To equip children with essential skills for life is integral to our teaching, to develop the whole child through carefully planned and resourced lessons that develop the knowledge, skills and attributes children need to protect and enhance their wellbeing. As a school, we use the SCARF programme of study by Coram Life and through this, children will learn how to stay safe and healthy, build and maintain successful relationships and become active citizens, responsibly participating in society around them. The themes and topics support social, moral, spiritual and cultural development and provide children with protective teaching on essential safeguarding issues, developing the knowledge of when and how children can ask for help.  The SCARF curriculum and resources fulfil the requirements of 2020 Statutory Relationships and Health Education, as well as being fully compatible with the PSHE Association programme of study, which is widely used by schools across England, recommended and referred to by the DfE in all key documentation relating to PSHE provision in schools. This scheme of work covers all of the required objectives under six sub-strands; Me & My Relationships, Valuing Differences, Keeping Myself Safe, Rights & Responsibilities, Being My Best and Growing & Changing. The scheme of work sets these learning intentions in the context of a broad and balanced PSHE curriculum.

Curriculum Implementation

Our SCARF scheme of work is designed to be taught in thematic units consisting of 5-7 lessons, with supporting materials including a Planning Overview and assessment statements It is suggested that these units are taught in a spiral curriculum that revisits the themes, enabling children to recall and build upon previous learning, exploring the underlying principles of PSHE education regularly at a depth that is appropriate for the age and stage of the child. Lessons signpost keywords, building a rich vocabulary to develop understanding. Our RSHE with PHSE curriculum is designed for delivery in a creative manner, using many approaches such as role play, discussion and games in groupings of various sizes. These activities enable children to build confidence and resilience.  Assessment opportunities are built into each lesson and enhanced by a combination of the suggested SCARF methods, including SCARF Progress (specially designed pre and post assessment activities as a baseline and then repeated at the end), SCARF Success (the use of ‘I Can’ statements) and Wearing My SCARF (inspiring tools to encourage children’s personal reflection upon their learning).


Click the following links to find out more about our relationships, sex, health education with personal health and social education curriculum.

Relationships, Sex, Health Education with Personal, Social and Health Education Long Term Plan

Relationships, Sex , Health Education with personal, Social and Health Education Policy